He's fishin'

Here's some guys in the story! The important ones anyway.

(Updated at the end of each chapter :P)

Big Bad Barbarian Lady

Hagniss "The Barbarian" Werberger

With her flowing curly hair, poofy fur pants and little tooth necklace, Hagniss takes the center stage for the entirety of this story. Dawning a brain about the size of a pebble with the strength of a legion of elephants, Hagniss bursts her way into the Way-Out Back facing an adventure she's never dealt with before. Taking challenges head on and never looking back, Hagniss is always the type to act first and think second, all while letting her happy-go-lucky attitude grab the wheel on the road of adventure. She tends to look on the brighter side of life with a smile for everyone new she meets... just so long as they're nice. With her good little pal Hat lying tightly on her head, and a sharp, dangerous axe rested in the grasp of her hand, Hagniss is always to sieze the day with her tough exterior and charming outlook. Especially if you've got food!

Family: Gramma Angela, Lil Cousin Trixie, Bernyard, Hat, Mother Maja (deceased)

Hobbies: Breaking things, eating, bullying, fighting, attacking, cooking and then eating, getting money, eating again.

Favorite food: Deep-fried rhinoctopus with soy sauce, preferably with a Mooncow Milkshake to wash it down.

Fun facts! Hagniss is bilingual in over 10 different languages. She can speak and understand traditional English, along with wild boar, northern elf, fhorn beast grunts, punk rock-goblin, and more!

Weird Little Tongue Beast


The kooky creature that rests on Hagniss' head is the creatively named "Hat", a Fhorn Beast that's been alongside Hagniss her entire life. Communicating in growls, hisses, snarls and grumbles, this fierce little freak is quite the fighter when it comes to altercations. He uses his strong and muscular frog-like tongue to his advantage, curling it up like a fist and beating the snot out of anyone in his way with it. He also dawns some sharp claws, a pointy set of chompers, and some piercing horns. Like grilled cheese and tomato soup, Hat and Hagniss are two perfect peas in a pod. One would be significantly less without the other, so they always make sure to stay side by side.

It's Kurf!

Kurf Gurf

Kurf is a resourceful, intelligent and capable little Fare that is always down to help out anyone. Or rather, anyone that isn't roommate. His only flaw would have to be his incurable laziness and frequent tendency to act like a slob. He can't clean up after himself whatsoever, and might be a little on the smellier side. But regardless, he's a great resource to have, and an even better friend. He's also kinda fat. If you picked him up he would feel like a little beanbag.

Granny and Lil Cuz!

Gran'ma Annie and Cousin Trixie

Together since day one, Granny and Trixie are two powerful partners in crime. Since her parents are.. out of the picture, Trixie's main caretaker has always been Gran'ma. They do everything together, from shopping, to schoolwork, to scolding Hagniss, to chores, fights, etc. Gran'ma loves to treat Trixie to the proper knowledge on how to be responsible and grow up to be smarter than the rest of the family, but Trixie tends to brush it off. She'd rather be like her big cuz, Hagniss! She's just way too cool!

One Eyed, One Eared, Dreaded Pointy Pirate Leader

Captain Misha Klopps

The mysterious and powerful Captain Klopps is the dangerous leader of the One-Eyed Sea Dogs, a gang of sea-bound weirdos that pillage and destroy towns as they please. Dawning a sinister all-watching captain's hat and leering high at over 7ft tall, this deadly warrior only seeks to take and steal from others to benefit his own crew. When he washes up on Ustabend, however, he finds that while there may have been a lack of resources, there's certainly a story to unfold within the town. Also how'd he lose that other ear?!? He won't tell me!!


Bernyard Westgold Werberger

A strong and ominous warrior, Bernyard is the father of Hagniss and her older brother, Bill. His incredible strength and overbearing presence has, for his whole lifetime, made him a force to be reckoned with. After many years as a scarred, exhausted widower, Bernyard takes what burns him up inside the most and lashes it out on the family he has left, leading to a terrible departure. He currently is out on his own.