THE GREAT GOOD GUYS![]() Hagniss "The Barbarian" WerbergerHagniss, the lady of the hour. She takes new challenges head on and never looks back, and is always the type to act first and think second. She tends to look on the brighter side of life with a smile for everyone new she meets... just so long as they're nice. With her good little pal Hat lying tightly on her head, and a sharp, dangerous axe rested in the grasp of her hand, Hagniss is always ready to seize the day with her tough exterior and positive outlook. And hey, who knows, she might even think you'd make a great fit for a friend. Especially if you've got food! Family: Gramma Angela, Lil Cousin Trixie, Bernyard, Hat, Mother Maja (deceased) Hobbies: Breaking things, eating, bullying, fighting, attacking, cooking and then eating, getting money, eating again. Favorite food: Deep-fried rhinoctopus with soy sauce, preferably with a Mooncow Milkshake to wash it down. Fun facts! Hagniss is bilingual in over 10 different languages. She can speak and understand traditional English, along with wild boar, northern elf, fhorn beast grunts, punk rock-goblin, and more! |
![]() HatThe kooky creature that rests on Hagniss' head is the creatively named "Hat", a Fhorn Beast that's been alongside Hagniss her entire life. Communicating in growls, hisses, snarls and grumbles, this fierce little freak is quite the fighter when it comes to altercations. He uses his strong and muscular frog-like tongue to his advantage, curling it up like a fist and beating the snot out of anyone in his way with it. He also dawns some sharp claws, a pointy set of chompers, and some piercing horns. Like grilled cheese and tomato soup, Hat and Hagniss are two perfect peas in a pod. One would be significantly less without the other, so they always make sure to stay side by side. |
![]() Leonard Scale-de-HallStingy, old, and full of cigar smoke, Leonard is a fern-green dragonfly about the size of a big maine coon cat, full of cranky thoughts and plotting money-grabbing schemes. He's from the wealthy, insect-ridden city of Tri-town, where he spends his days scamming fools of their jewels, and spending all of his profit at Big Eddie's Big Bug Bar. Leonard knows where everything is, who everyone is, and exceeds in monetary knowledge. All he wants in life is gold, dollars, gems, seeds, eggs (and the ladies). Unfortunately for him, Leonard crosses paths with Hagniss after she loses her way from the village. At first, Leonard dismisses her, trying to “throw away the ugly broad” and lets wants her to get lost in the Way-Out-Back on her own. But once he takes note of her excessive strength, Leonard realizes there might be more to this chick than meets the eye... Talents: Fishing, gambling, complaining, smoking cigars, flying, singing, and is a whiz at piano and the fiddle! Ex-girlfriends: 12 Favorite food: Fried dandelions with a side of gnat wings and honey sauce. Fun facts! Leonard’s body can repair itself - in other words, if his tail or limbs were to fall off, he could grow it back in a few hours. He’s cooked and eaten his own tail before, but he “doesn’t like to talk about it”. |
![]() MontyThe powerful superhuman Ferdinand Glashauser Montepold Jr. (aka MONTY) charges his way into this journey by taking out the perilous Plunderbeard in Big Eddie's Big Bug Bar. Monty is a force to be reckoned with; with customized metallic armor that defends him from the impact of bullets, to his natural, earth-shattering muscles, he's so strong, it literally got him banished from the Athnecian Kingdom, where he served as a guard. But don't let his menacing demeanor set you off... in reality, Monty's as sweet as can be. Stoic and self-contained, Monty isn't as sociable as Hagniss, but has no issue letting his kind side take center stage if you get to know him. And trust me, you WANT to be on this guy's good side... all the metal and muscle would take you out before you'd even realize it, so make sure you don't fall under what he categorizes as a "villain" or an "evil-doer". After reuniting in Tri-Town, Hagniss and Leonard get to know Monty a little better, and as Hagniss grows a more fond appreciation of the guy, Leonard only grows more suspicious... Skills: Fighting, fist fighting, “cool” fighting, "ancient" fighting, "lame" fighting (he's not proud of that one), cooking, training, being strong, staying humble and caring, helping the community “like a proper knight should” Stuff he can lift: Really big rocks, fat people, a pirate boat, significantly large trees, small buildings, at least a few Dwarves, fatter people Favorite food: Fried lizard chops with dead man’s sauce. Fun facts! He will never let the helmet come off. Every other piece of armor does, except for that helmet. I wonder why... |
![]() Magis the MagicianNot much is known about the mysterious, immortal (not invincible) shapeshifting entity that is Magis. He's... some kind of scarecrow? That wears sneakers? Weird... he also tells Hagniss he's an all-knowing "master" of warping reality into what he wants it to be. But at the same time, he can change nothing about the fate of the world around him. He knows how it all will end, how it all began, and if you just let him read your palm, he can see your whole life from start to finish... for some reason, he labels these powers as his "curse". Magis is a very popular figure in the Way-Out-Back, so much so that it leaves those who have met him pretty split on how they feel about him. To some, he's known for wandering about, getting lost, being rather off-putting, and just being creepy. But to others, his charisma and positive outlook make him a great entertainer (especially at kid's birthday parties!), and he's a fantastic dentist. Just what is his deal though... and why's so interested in Hagniss? Family: Magis is the only being of his type in the universe. He apparently has a mother? He is, however, happily married to his lovely immortal wife, and is frequently accompanied with his best pal, Kurf. Hobbies: Messing with people, lying, spreading misinformation, reading palms, bending things that shoudn't be bent, writing jokes, petting animals, making tea. Favorite food: Magis doesn't need to eat, as he has no stomach, but he still does it anyway. He's quite fond of spaghetti peperoncino. Fun facts! Magis is so old, there are some history books that have drawings and pictures documenting him. He's not one to do anything significant, though, so you'll probably find him in the background of somewhere important. |
![]() ?In need of some help. |
THE BIG BAD DUDES![]() Captain Misha KloppsThe mysterious and powerful Captain Klopps is the dangerous leader of the One-Eyed Sea Dogs, a gang of sea-bound weirdos that pillage and destroy towns as they please. Dawning a sinister all-watching captain's hat and leering high at over 7ft tall, this deadly ex-soldier war criminal only seeks to take and steal from others to benefit him and his own crew. But he's still a man of "code", as he likes to call it... he only takes from villages that "really deserve it"... whatever that means. When he washes up on Ustabend, however, he finds that while there may have been a lack of resources, there's certainly a story to unfold within the town, piquing his interest. Also, how'd he lose that other ear?!? He won't tell me!! |
![]() Plunderbeard the PiratePlunderbeard is the arrogant, whiney, short-tempered dwarf (Not human! Remember that!) pirate captain of the Plunderbeard the Pirate Pirates. Famous amongst pirates and sailors alike, his tiny stature often throws unassuming pirate crews off, brushing him off as nothing more than a joke. But be warned, for while he may be small in size, his destructive nature and loyal crew are known to take no prisoners. His rabid, outlandish energy has gotten him into heaps of trouble with the law, and that peg-leg he's got? If he swaps it onto his hooked hand, it works as a full-blown pistol. And he's as trigger-happy as can be. He has no regard for the world or it's life; anyone and everyone is beneath him, and if you don't follow his whim, you're just as good as dirt. He also picks his nose a LOT. WHAT A SLOB! |
![]() Ms. AmidaMs. Amida is a rather peculiar criminal. Not much is known about her origins, other than she used to be a language professor somewhere offshore. She abandoned her past job as a result of "pay complications" as she likes to call it. (In reality, she had a violent altercation with a student... it's still unknown how the staff of the university never noticed the baseball bat in her desk drawer!) As a result of this loss, she decided to use her translation capabilities to garner some quick cash in the crime world. No pirate would take her in until Barkjaw the Buccaneer stood forth. Now with someone to translate his... "accent"... the two stuck together thieving and pickpocketing bigger pirate crews amongst the sea. Amidst the clash of fates that occurs in Ustabend, Klopps offers her to join him on some sort of journey... |
![]() Bernyard Westgold WerbergerA strong and ominous warrior, Bernyard is the father of Hagniss and her older brother, Bill. His incredible strength and overbearing presence has, for his whole lifetime, made him a force to be reckoned with. After many years as a scarred, exhausted widower, Bernyard takes what burns him up inside the most and lashes it out on the family he has left, leading to a terrible departure. He currently is out on his own. |
![]() Gran'ma Annie and Lil' Cousin TrixieTogether since day one, Granny and Trixie are two powerful partners in crime. Since her parents are.. out of the picture, Trixie's main caretaker has always been Gran'ma. They do everything together, from shopping, to schoolwork, to scolding Hagniss, to chores, fights, etc. Gran'ma loves to treat Trixie to the proper knowledge on how to be responsible and grow up to be smarter than the rest of the family, but Trixie tends to brush it off. She'd rather be like her big cuz, Hagniss! She's just way too cool! Gran'ma and Bernyard have often had their squabbles, but deep down, she truly loves her son, and knows him better than anyone else. When his betrayal first struck the family, she wasn't all too surprised, but it still broke her inside. Now out on her own with Trixie, and her worries dead-set on Hagniss and Bill, their journey has only just begun... Fun Fact:Gran'ma is 107 years old, and has a natural eye condition called 'Peritoma', where the sclera of her eyes is a pure black as opposed to the regular white in humans. She often uses it to intimidate people! |
![]() Brother BillHagniss's older brother, Bill. He knows how miserable Ustabend is and very often goes out on various journies and adventures with his friends in hopes to find something he can bring back to his family. Treasure, food, honestly, anything that can provide some sort of stimulation in that dry town. At the start of the story, he delivers Hagniss a letter. He's set to head back to Ustabend... even AFTER the pirate attack... |
![]() Big EddieBig Eddie is the large, flamboyant Gargantuan Land Snail that owns Big Eddie's Big Bug Bar + Motel, his very own little bug-tailored joint that he runs all by himself. Eddie is an all-around great guy; with both a big heart, and an even bigger... personality, Eddie treats all of his customers like they're family, newbies or old-timers. He's all too familiar with Leonard, too. The two have known eachother for at least over a decade now, have been through tons of life experiences together. While Eddie is a member of the Gargantuan Land Snail species, a species of mollusks that are infamous for their natural-born strength, he's rather cowardly; he'd rather resort to satisfying everyone than jumping to a conflict. Things change for Eddie significantly the day Hagniss shows up with Leonard, however. Fun Fact:Eddie has 70 brothers and sisters, all identical looking to him, just with different colors. They all follow a similar career path too; each one of them manages/owns restaurants and bars across the globe, resulting in a massive financial success for the family! Eddie's not one to brag, but he likes to claim he "came up with the idea first." |
![]() Kurf GurfKurf is a resourceful, intelligent and capable little Fare that is always down to help out anyone. Or rather, anyone that isn't roommate. His only flaw would have to be his incurable laziness and frequent tendency to act like a slob. He can't clean up after himself whatsoever, and might be a little on the smellier side. But regardless, he's a great resource to have, and an even better friend. He's also kinda fat. If you picked him up he would feel like a little beanbag. Family: His best pal EVER is Magis. He's got a sister... and a grandpa... and I guess his roommate, Leighton? That guy sucks though. Hobbies: Slouching, eating, snoozing, hanging out with his best bud Magis. Favorite food: Pom Clou Fruit! Fun facts! Kurf and Magis are incredibly close friends. The two have known eachother since as long as grass has been green... and they're not separatin' any time soon! |
THE DOORFor the sake of the world, keep the door bolted shut, turn the lights off, and keep the temperature freezing. You can't get rid of it, but you can lock it away. |
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